
The Ignorance about theatre - Strasberg The Actor's Studio

"The ignorance about theatre that has been permitted to continue in the theatre must in some way be broken. And it can only be broken by theatre people who take up the challenge and make themselves heard. I am appalled that almost every individual who has a position of importance in the theatre and whose opinion is therefore requested on various theatre problems starts off his statement by saying or and then he hauls off into a repetition of all the common and stale phrases that he has used for the past twenty years.
We need not to continue to be ignorant of the work and the intelligence and the suffering that properly goes into theatre.
Decisions being made today will have influence over the entire coming theatre generation. It is about time theatre people demanded that this discussions about theatre should not be left to businessmen - whether of the theatre or outside the theatre - and not to critics and other such people who are valuable and necessary to the theatre, but who unfortunately haven't the knowledge than can only come from participation in the making of theatre, not just in the business of theatre."

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