
New Year Resolutions

“Man’s essential illness today is his feeling of fragmentation of existence, leading to a sense of being alien to a society that he has himself created, but does not understand.”
David Bohm “On Creativity”

Isn’t it awkward how a whole year finishes in one night? But who decided anyways when it starts and when it ends? I think this “New Year’s Eve” is relative as long as it’s not in the same time for everybody! It’s quite unfair to make resolutions only in this special day, we should make them at least once a month, maybe this way we won’t be so eager for the year to pass. We count the years but we forget to live the days, let us not forget that it’s us we pass through time and not vice versa. I know my questions are rhetorical but if I’m sharing them it’s not because I expect some answers; first of all it’s because I want to get rid of the superfluous thoughts and make space for new ones; and second of all because I’m realizing more and more that people suffer of depression on a daily basis nowadays and when I think that someone else is happy with less than what we have it makes me wonder… 
Life has it’s ups and downs and I can’t stop thinking how our souls would look like if we’d gave them the same attention we give when cleaning our houses, wow, how they would shine, at least mine would, cause I recognize I’m a clean freak.
But do we ever really stop to acknowledge what we were blessed with this last year and what can we change to live in a better world, do we  remember to be grateful despite our failures?
Cause believe me, this 2013 of mine, really made me see that it’s not always what we want but what we need.
Call me unrealistic, call me crazy, call me the turtle that believes she can fly, but if we’re not grateful for what we have and what we are, then our life is worthless.
How many times did you say “thank you” this year that just passed us by, it counts only how many time you really meant it; and how many times “I’m sorry” or “I love you”…huh???
In the 21st century there are still people dying of hunger (now, take a look at your fridge and be grateful); dying of thirst ( now, sip a drop of water and feel it’s taste and voluptuousness ); people who don’t have a breath of fresh air due to pollution (now, open the window inhale and exhale deeply and let it go); there are still never-ending wars (now, be at ease that you see this only in the movies) and the list can continue but that’s not the focus of my Statement, because if  you put your attention on something, it will grow…
O.K maybe we’re not where we wanted in our lives but that’s the beauty of it , that we can make it work, and it’s only the hard work and a can-do attitude  that can rise above nepotism and other misfits, either way, You have the power to be happy or unhappy, it’s always your choice. Compromise exists, without doubt, but it depends on you if you want to regret it or praise it. It’s like discrimination, there are two different types: positive and negative. I’ve read once in this great Romanian actresses’ journal, Oana Pellea, that if you think your life is hard try doing everything you normally do with one hand behind your back, as if it didn’t exist, you’ll see then what an inferno your life would be. If you don’t believe me nor Oana, try it!!! And I would also add: try closing your eyes and do the usual stuff you do, you’ll see (actually, you’ll feel how your entire life balance will be lost)
Now, let’s not despair and let us make some Resolutions, but first of all let’s make peace with ourselves.
Smile, when ever you feel anger rears its ugly head on you; forcing yourself to smile you’ll be in control, and as Charlie Chaplin’s song goes “smile and you’ll see the sun comes shining through”!
Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out whenever fear installs, stop gasping, remember fear is not an option!
Sing whenever possible but mainly in the shower, if Woody Allen made a film with a shower-singer there must be something to it!
Dance each and every single day as if nobody was watching!
Do Sports because “Mens sana in corpore sano” is scientifically demonstrated and not only because you want to lose weight!
Stop watching TV and start reading more if you want your life back and if you want adventure in your life!
Eat well, sleep swell and love unlimitedly, that’s the secret of happiness…
Lex Suprema : Redeem your souls!

Don’t lose yourself in details, try to pat attention to what’s important , and the best of luck to those who need it, I for one, build my own luck, Bye-bye 2013 and Welcome 2014.

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