
35 lessons

35 lessons I’ve learned so far up to this age, in a random order... or not:

  1. No matter how nice you are to people, there will still be people who won’t like you at all and that’s ok, your spirit probably irritates their demons;
  2. It’s insane to want to please everybody;
  3. But you can definitely please yourself and the rest will fall into place;
  4. Without healthy boundaries people will most definitely take advantage of you, which is neither good or bad, it’s human nature;
  5. Every now and then you might also take advantage of other people, the moment you realize it tho, you have to stop!
  6. High expectations from anyone including yourself is the cause of so much useless suffering;
  7. If you feel tired you need to learn how to rest, period!
  8. Having a full schedule 24/7 doesn’t mean you’re fulfilled;
  9. Therapy can heal in ways you never thought were possible, with the right therapist of course;
  10. If you’re therapist dumps you, don’t worry, he’s only human also and he needs therapy too, We all need therapy, almost nobody is fully sane nowadays;
  11. Eat well, sleep better, read as much as you can, love unconditionally, laugh hard, be grateful, repeat!
  12. If you married a friend like I did, thank God, he will be there for you no matter what, no excuses;
  13. I married the best man in the world and couldn’t be grateful for him, even tho we’ve had our share of hard times and probably we’ll share some more;
  14. I’ve lost a few important friendships along the way but others took their place with more maturity;
  15. I’ve learned to let go of everything that no longer has anything to do with my present moment;
  16. Living in the present is not as easy as it sounds, it’s usually a constant conflict between the past and the future, but the moment you manage to ground yourself in the here and now of your being, oh my!
  17. I’ve learned that spending time on my own is beneficial and mandatory for that matter;
  18. Meditation & sports are the best allies when it comes to feeling good and supreme self care;
  19. I’m still struggling with the fact that I’m not a full time actress but I comfort myself that I’m doing the best I can with what I have each step of the way, and that is more than enough or at least it should be;
  20. Being proud and grateful for all the richness and diversity in my life should be a daily habit;
  21. There will be days when I don’t feel too well for various reasons, self compassion and patience is the key in those moments;
  22. Some people will always drive me crazy every now and then, since I cannot control them I can only control how I react;
  23. Let go of that f*cking outcome, life doesn’t come with any guarantee whatsoever nor any instructions;
  24. Kill’em with kindness;
  25. All Projects end at one point, even the artistic ones, be grateful for what you’ve learned and move on, same goes for relationships;
  26. Don’t hold grudges, never! Even if you feel you might have deserved some apologies, cuz everybody hurts and the most important closure is the one with ourselves;
  27. Even if you do what you like, you might get tired or even bored if you’re not being motivated enough (either from the inside or the outside);
  28. Sing your heart out and dance your soul away each time you feel like it, even if nobody is watching;
  29. Stop comparing yourself, you are awesome, you’ve always been!
  30. Don’t expect anything from anyone, not even from your parents, not even from yourself, allow yourself to be surprised!
  31. You don’t need anyone’s approval: you should know by now what a smart cookie you are;
  32. I’m sexy and sometimes I’m not even aware of it! and that’s what makes it even sexier😝 at least that’s what people say!
  33. Going through a pandemic can be damn frightening but hey, what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger...
  34. Vulnerability is actually a bad ass super power, stop faking it till you make it and just be real, you do you! Stay awesome...
  35. Never forget that you’re a master piece, treat yourself like one, even if one in constant progress , “art is never finished, only abandoned!” Leonardo da Vinci

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