
Me and my first dose - a story about overcoming fear, hope, faith and compassion

No, those who don’t get vaccinated are not stupid! And those who decide to get vaccinated are not sheep! We’re all scared and react in different ways… and if we don’t have compassion towards each other then we have a bigger problem than the virus itself. 

Is the government’s approach into forcing us to get vaccinated ethical? Of course not! But then again, is our approach as citizens decent to refuse the only thing that might moves us further out of this hectic pandemic? I’m afraid the answer is still no! 

I guess what I’m trying to say is that we shouldn’t judge nor point fingers, vaccinated or unvaccinated, we’re all in the same shaking boat.

I have finally decided to get vaccinated after an excruciating fight with myself and all of the pseudo conspiracy theories out there (btw, the media is not helping at all!), and after visiting several doctors out of which a few allergists since I’m prone to some medication allergies:( 

Needles to say that I was beyond scared but if we don’t trust the doctors & the scientists who for sure know more than our auntie does because she read an article - God knows where- , then we’re definitely lost! 

Yet, we must remain humble in our decisions, just to be clear, I’m not trying to convince you that you should get vaccinated, I respect your concerns, so please respect my decision, I had my own personal reasons to do it. No doctor promised me that by doing the vaccine it will all disappear like magic, on the contrary, they warned me that there’s no guarantee that I won’t have an allergic reaction as each DNA is unique and might react differently. This expression really stuck with me, WE’RE ALL UNIQUE, when did we forget that?:( 

… and why the heck do we keep fighting a war that isn’t ours? Wouldn’t it be better if we would all cooperate together so that we can overcome faster this nightmare?

So many questions, so few answers and so much pain. I hear you, I truly do… 

I thought about it mad and deep, if I should post such an intimate perspective, but ever since I’ve learned in therapy that vulnerability is strength I might as well go for it, otherwise it’s like I don’t actually believe in it! 

I think that social media should also be used as a tool to open up and speak up about what hurts and see beyond all its trivial filters. Or it might be because of the chip implanted in my arm during the vaccine?🧐 who knows? I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself but this was one of my favorite conspiracy😝🙈

Long story short, let’s stay away from the hatred as in my opinion it’s the worst disease😔

And if you’re in Bucharest and have allergy problems I highly recommend the “Carol Davila” hospital, where they will treat you super nice and will keep you under surveillance for as long as you want, taking all the necessary measures to intervene as fast as they can in case something goes wrong. I was very proud of my butterfly needle and refused to leave the hospital until I felt safe enough, special thanks to the nurses who understood that and allowed me to roam the corridors, they were like:

- Miss, you’re free to go!

- Neah! I’m gonna stay a bit longer, I’m in no hurry when it comes to my life!

So there you have my little incursion into my first doze, hope it helps someone somewhere, soothing at least a bit, and I’m here in case you have any curiosity but you’d better ask a doctor just to be on the safe side🤓 

Luckily they didn’t have to use my butterfly so I took advantage and made some pictures with it, in order for it not to get waisted🦋🦋🦋

Stay safe everyone and much love, less judging! 

Remember: we’re all afraid, even the doctors, they’re only human beings, although recently they have been more like superheroes to me!🙏🙏🙏 

So let us be gentle with each other…

P.S so far the only side effect is that my arm is a bit sore, but that’s all🙃 ok, and perhaps I’m a clairvoyant now, shhh!🤫 Gates told me it’s a secret between me, him and the rest of the world🤭 

Jokes aside, What’s your experience thus far? Feel free to share and maybe, just maybe, together we’re going to surpass this collective distress😵‍💫

“Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together.”

Eugene Ionesco

#vaccine #bethechangeyouwanttoseeinthisworld #hope #stayhumbleandkind #MuchLove #StaySafe

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