
En el airé - A.I.R

We think that we’ve got it all figured out

That we’re utterly in control 

Until we have to actually let go

Follow and


Similar to what’s happening when we

fly by plane

Or dance let’s say!

I need to give concrete examples 

So that our mind can grasp 

A nuance so vast! 

“Don’t make me sing!”

The conscious mind would say

But the heart would scream:

“Sing away! Or dance, or write, or do whatever makes you happy… 

Be an explorer of your life,

Leave regrets behind 

Or transform them in some kind.

So what if you haven’t had the greatest start? 

Nor the perfect beaten track!

Fear of flying 

Fear of dying

Fear of not being enough 

Fear of missing out

So much self-doubt 

Yet we’re still alive!

And the simple fact of living 

Should be celebrated every minute! 

Now let’s breath deeply

One heart beat at a time

And make the most out of this 

Precision gift called Life…





#poetry #findinspirationwithin #keepwriting 🤓🖌️

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