
Melancholic Solstice

And no matter how dark the times might get

Always leave an open door behind,
And only just a few regrets…
Cause in the midst of the cold
You might grow more bold…
And in the middle of the night 
You might see finally right!
You feel the anxiety creep in 
Or disipate!?!
One thought after the other 
leaving you unfettered…
Memories start rushing in
Be it only in a dream!
Cause we’re made from feelings
Which at times need healings,
Cinnamon and insecurities,
Bittersweet rememberings
Of inevitable endings!
May we embrace ourselves profoundly 
Without feeling forced to be jolly,
It’s enough to simply be
And cherish our inner being.
The world can always wait, 
While we pause to reflect… 

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